Welcome to Saint Bernard

The castle of Fontaine-les-Dijon, on the outskirts of Dijon, is an inspiring place to discover as you travel through Burgundy and stop in its famous capital.
On this hill were born, in the late XIth century, the seven children of Sir Tescelin le Sor and Lady Aleth de Montbard. It was also here that Lady Aleth died at the age of 35, leaving behind her the fragrance of a life dedicated to love.

Bernard, the third of the children, became the famous founder and abott of Clairvaux, the outstanding abbey from which a new impulse was given to Europe to reach the heights of spiritual peace.
Transformed into a shrine where pilgrims never ceased to come, the castle of Fontaine-les-Dijon remains a powerful evocation of the beginning of an adventure which led men and women throughout Europe to leave everything behind them and experience the Absolute.
Our English-speaking friends are most welcome to join one of the regular summer visits in French or to book for themselves a special visit in English.
If you should wish to make a donation for the restoration of the castle, including a museum and hall to receive visitors, you can do so here !
We hope to welcome you soon!